Crosshead: Seamless integration and monitoring for enhanced solar efficiency through string combiner box, array junction box, and string monitoring box solutions.
In a Solar Photovoltaic Solution, PV modules are connected in series to form a string and these strings are further connected in parallel to form an array. Since these are DC solutions, necessary safety precautions and protections should be provided to protect the operational personnel during maintenance and prevent damages to the inverters which converts DC power to AC power and pumps the same to the grid.
SCB’s play a vital role in converting these string inputs into an array and are designed to have safety devices such as fuse, DC switch and SPD’s for protection during faults and to protect the personnel during operation and maintenance. Trinity Touch’s expertise in manufacturing of these SCB’s has been commended by all the customers worldwide for the product quality and workmanship. Trinity customizes these solutions as per client’s technical requirement based on module rating and ensures compliance with IEC 61439-1&2 design standard.
The array junction box streamlines power management by consolidating the output of multiple strings, ensuring optimal protection and performance for your solar installations.
The string combiner box combines the multiple DC inputs coming from the panel termination and converts these into one DC output.
SMB’s are advanced versions of SCB which add monitoring capabilities to SCB’s and facilitate in measuring input current, SCB voltage, box temperature and the status of DC switch and power SPD respectively. These measurements and status inputs are further used for analyzing and identifying the faulty SCB’s which are non-performing using SCADA and thereby help in troubleshooting the faults much earlier and this enhances the energy generation of the overall plant.
Trinity Touch’s monitoring cards have been a game-changer in the solar market and are manufactured using strict quality practice and use highly sensitive sensors to measure the parameters with highest level of efficiency.
Number of strings: 16 Monitoring type: Shunt Working temperature is -20°C to +70°C Communication interface: RS 485 Modbus RTU
Number of DC inputs: 24 Number of DC outputs: 1 TRICHECK 24/16 monitoring devices Type of monitoring: Shunt
Number of DC inputs: 16 Number of DC outputs: 1 TRICHECK 16/8 monitoring devices Type of monitoring: Shunt
Number of DC inputs: 8 Number of DC outputs: 1 TRICHECK 8 monitoring devices Type of monitoring: Shunt